AESA Guide Material

    With a methodology equivalent to that of EASA, AESA has developed technical instructions and guidelines for those provisions of the legislation in which it considered it necessary to publish a technical reference material, which would make it easier for inspection stakeholders to comply with those provisions.

    Documents from international civil aviation organisations and authorities such as ICAO, IATA, ACI, FAA, etc. have been taken into account in the preparation of this technical material.

Aerodrome certification according to Regulation (EU)/exemption

Airport manager - General aspects

Airport manager — Training and competence

Airport manager - SMS

Airport manager - LVP/CMA

Airport manager - Maintenance and electrical systems

Airport manager - Change management

Airport Manager - Emergency Plan



Airport environment activities

Supplier SDP

SDP Providers Regulation (EU) 139/2014

AVSAF Training Providers

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