Certified public use airports
AESA Guide Material
With a methodology equivalent to that of EASA, AESA has developed technical instructions and guidelines for those provisions of the legislation in which it considered it necessary to publish a technical reference material, which would make it easier for inspection stakeholders to comply with those provisions.
Documents from international civil aviation organisations and authorities such as ICAO, IATA, ACI, FAA, etc. have been taken into account in the preparation of this technical material.
Aerodrome certification according to Regulation (EU)/exemption
Document |
Typology |
Procedure |
Instruction |
Guide |
Form |
Tool for Determination of Application Certification Specifications (CS) |
Form |
Technical Standards Compliance Checklist of Volume II “Helipads”, Order FOM/2086/2011 |
Form |
Form |
Granting of exemption from compliance with Regulation (ue) No 2018/1139 |
Guide |
Format |
Airport manager - General aspects
Document |
Typology |
Instruction |
Preparation of the aerodrome manual (21/12/2023) |
Instruction |
Instruction |
Airport manager — Training and competence
Document |
Typology |
Unaccompanied operations (Training programmes and competency checks) |
Instruction |
Instruction |
Airport manager - SMS
Document |
Typology |
Conclusions of the Working Group on Standardisation of Events |
Report |
Preparation of Security Studies — Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 |
Instruction |
Instruction |
Instruction |
Airport manager - LVP/CMA
Document |
Typology |
Instruction |
Implementation of an action plan for adverse weather conditions |
Instruction |
Airport manager - Maintenance and electrical systems
Document |
Typology |
Instruction |
Technical Document |
Instruction |
Instruction |
Instruction |
Instruction |
Airport manager - Change management
Document |
Typology |
Establishment of criteria: CS ADR-DSN.M.750 parking station lighting (11/09/2023) |
Technical report |
Technical report |
Notification requirements to aesa for the change of key personnel at an airport |
Instruction |
Guide |
Excel |
Technical report |
Guide |
Technical report |
Excel |
Airport Manager - Emergency Plan
Document |
Typology |
Instruction |
Emergency plan — planning, implementation and evaluation of simulations |
Instruction |
Technical Guide to Harmonisation of Airport Self-Protection Plans with Civil Protection Plans |
Guide |
Document |
Typology |
Rescue and firefighting (training and competency testing programmes) |
Instruction |
Fire Rescue and Fire ExtinctionService. ICAO-SSEI Category and SSEI Protection Level |
Instruction |
Format |
Document |
Typology |
Instruction |
Preparation of studies of fauna and their habitats in airport environments |
Instruction |
Development of risk studies of wildlife collisions at airports |
Instruction |
Supporting material for the development of wildlife hazard studies at airports |
Support material |
Technical report |
Airport environment activities
Document |
Typology |
Guide to the handling of actions in the airport environment with an impact on risk areas (February 22, 2023) |
Guide |
Guide for the processing of actions in the airport environment with regard to risk areas (In force from 01/12/2024 |
Guide |
Supplier SDP
Document |
Typology |
Guide |
Format |
Responsible Statement Providers Training Platform Management Service |
Format |
SDP Providers Regulation (EU) 139/2014
Document |
Typology |
Organisations responsible for supplying PDS at RE 139/2014 certified airports (AUPC-SDP-P01-GU01) |
Guide |
Format |
Format |
Format |
Notification of CHANGE Platform Address Service (AUPC-SDP-P01-F05) |
Format |
AVSAF Training Providers
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