Assistance dogs and mobility equipment

    Assistance dogs

    Where the use of a service dog is required, the animal shall be admitted on condition that the air carrier or its agent or tour operator has been notified in advance of its presence in accordance with the rules applicable to the carriage of assistance dogs on board aircraft, if applicable.

    A recognised assistance dog must be trained for the passenger’s specific disability and by a recognised training entity*. In addition, the passenger will also have to have the insurance of civil liability, identification and veterinary requirements of the dog necessary to travel.

    *International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF) or Assistance Dogs International (ADI) or, the guide dog user credential issued by the National Organisation of the Spanish Blind (ONCE)

    Assistance dogs must be accommodated on board in the cabin at no additional cost.

    Which animals can travel in cabins free of charge under Regulation 1107/2006?

    Assistance dogs are all those who have been trained by centers or specialised entities officially recognised for the accompaniment, driving, help and help of people with disabilities to whom they are uniquely linked for the duration of their status as a support dog.

    • Guide dogs: they are those dogs trained to guide and guide a person with visual impairment, total or partial, or to a person who in addition to a visual impairment has a hearing impairment.
    • Signal dogs (sound alert): dogs trained to warn people with hearing impairment of the emission of sounds and their origin.
    • Service dogs: they are those dogs trained to provide help and help in the development of activities of daily life to those with disabilities who have reduced their motor capacity.
    • Medical warning or alert dogs: they are those dogs trained to warn of a medical alert to people suffering from disability and recurring crises with sensory disconnection derived from a specific disease, diabetes, epilepsy or other organic disease.
    • Dogs for people with autism spectrum disorders: dogs trained to preserve the physical integrity of these users, control emergency situations and guide them.


    Mobility equipment Which mobility equipment should be transported at no additional cost by the airlines?.

    The Regulation allows passengers with disabilities to carry two items of mobility equipment at no additional cost.

    Annex I to the Regulation describes the assistance provided under the responsibility of the managing bodies at airports, and Annex II of the assistance provided by air carriers.



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