Airport manager

Aerodromes/Restricted-use Heliports

Aerodromes/Restricted-use Heliports

Mapa de SSAA

Aeronautical Easements Map

Graphic viewer for consultation of aeronautical servitude condition

AESA Guide Material

Guides and forms for the application and processing of environmental assessment


Approval of security programmes

Annual Report and Satisfaction Survey

Annual Report on the activity of AESA Quality and User Protection Division.

AVSEC training

AVSEC training

Certified public use airports

Certified public use airports

Coordination of operations with UAS

Coordination of operations with UAS



General framework

Marco general de actuación de AESA en términos de evaluación ambiental de aeropuertos, aeródromos, procedimientos de vuelo y cambios de espacio aéreo

Guide material

Processing forms, signage and obstacle lighting guides and other guides


Aircraft groundhandling services

Implementing legislation

Implementing regulations for environmental assessment

Implementing legislation

Regulatory framework applicable to aeronautical servitudes

Information for Airlines

Information for airlines on the rights of air transport passengers.


National and European legislation on the rights of air transport passengers.

Carta de servicios

Letter of services

Contact details and information on the aeronautical servitude service

Persons with Reduced Mobility PRM

Rights assisting Persons with Reduced Mobility (PRM). Flights covered by Regulation (EC) 1107/2006. Legislation, Reservation and Request for Assistance, and Assistance for PRMs

Processing and informative triptychs

Processes for processing aeronautical servitude files

Projects authorised

Resolutions published in the BOE and environmental monitoring of projects authorised by EASA that have undergone environmental assessment

Regulations on passenger rights and flights on which they apply

Regulations on passenger rights and flights on which they apply

Royal Decrees SSAA Airports and Radio Aids

Definition of aeronautical servitudes of each airport or radio installation in Spain