What is considered a specialised operation?

    What is considered a specialised operation?

    • The GM1 SPO.GEN.005 guide material includes a list of the operations considered as specialised operations, as follows:
      • External loading operations with helicopter.
      • Grazing, animal rescue flights and launch veterinary flights.
      • Acrobatic flights.
      • Air advertising flights.
      • Aerial photography flights.
      • Reconnaissance operations, including aerial mapping operations, pollution control activity.
      • Helicopter reconnaissance operations.
      • I work on oil spills.
      • Operations to provoke avalanches.
      • Glider trailer.
      • External passenger transport operations.
      • Marine funeral operations.
      • Skydiving and free fall operations.
      • Calibration flights.
      • Journalistic flights, and television or film flights.
      • Scientific research flights (other than those listed under Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008).
      • Agricultural flights.
      • Flights for construction, including laying of power lines, and aerial pruning operations.
      • Flights at special events, including flight exhibitions and competition flights
      • Cloud planting/Cloud seeding.
      • Flights involving extreme acrobatic manoeuvres carried out in order to allow people on board to experience zero gravity, high G forces or similar sensations.
    • However, given the diversity of operations which can be considered as specialised operations, there may be certain specialised operations not included in the above list. To assist operators, the AMC1 SPO.GEN.005 sets out the criterion to be followed by operators to determine whether the transaction they intend to carry out is considered as a specialised transaction, assessing the following conditions:
      • The aircraft flies near the surface to perform the operation.
      • Abnormal maneuvers are performed.
      • Specialised equipment is required to perform the operation which may affect the manoeuvrability of the aircraft.
      • Substances are thrown or sprayed from the aircraft during the flight.
      • External loads are raised or towed.
      • People enter or depart on the aircraft during the flight.

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