Processing of new infrastructures

    The procedure for processing new infrastructures by EASA applies to aerodromes and helipads of restricted use in Autonomous Communities that have not assumed competence in this area.

    Aerodromes and heliports located in Autonomous Communities that have assumed competence in this area (Madrid, Catalonia, Valencia, Aragon and Navarra[1]) must contact the competent body in their Community.

    The procedure is not applicable to any infrastructures since, according to Article 2 of Royal Decree 1070/2015, possible aerodromes are excluded from the scope of that Royal Decree.

    For possible infrastructures, information can be found at the following AESA website: Possible aerodromes

    [1] Navarre has assumed competence only in infrastructure aimed at counter-incedios and health care. The rest of the infrastructures are processed in EASA.


    For queries concerning restricted aerodromes, please contact the AESA aerodrome mailbox

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