Possible aerodromes

    Aerodromes and eventual heliports are defined in the following articles:

    • Law 48/1960 on Air Navigation: ‘An aerodrome shall be possible where its establishment is due to transitional needs or is designated for particular use in special circumstances’.
    • Royal Decree 1070/2015: ‘Possible aerodromes of restricted use are excluded from the scope of this Royal Decree. To this end, possible aerodromes are those defined in Article 2(b) of Royal Decree 1189/2011 of 19 August 2011

    The exclusion from the scope of this Royal Decree of possible aerodromes does not relieve the operator of the obligation to have the relevant authorisations in accordance with the applicable regulations and with the permission of the owner of the surface”.

    • Royal Decree 1070/2015. ‘Possible aerodrome means an area suitable for the use of aircraft which, in the view of the operator, meets the minimum conditions for the safety of operations and whose use, except in the case of operations referred to in Article 1.2, does not exceed 40 operations per year, but not exceeding 15 operations per month’.

    Any aerodromes and heliports located in Autonomous Communities that have assumed competence in this area (Madrid, Catalonia, Valencia and Aragon) should contact the competent body in their Community. Aerodromes and eventual heliports located in autonomous communities that have not assumed competence in this area do not require processing.
    However, in addition to the permission of the owner of the land, the following must be:

    • Respect flight limitations according to the airspace in which the potential surface is located, as laid down in the Air Regulations (SERA (Standardised European Rules of Air) and Royal Decree 552/2014) and what is published in the Aeronautical Information Publications (AIP),
    • Comply with Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures in relation to air operations.

    Failure to comply with the applicable regulations, non-compliance with flight limitations according to airspace or any other air regulation related to the use of an eventual surface may constitute an infringement of Law 21/2003 on aviation safety, which may entail sanctions and other measures in accordance with Title V of the said law.


    For queries concerning restricted aerodromes, please contact the AESA aerodrome mailbox aerodromos.aesa@seguridadaerea.es.

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