Implementing legislation

    Decree 584/1972, of 24 February, of Aeronautical Servidumbres (BOE No. 69, of 21 March 1972, as amended by Royal Decree 297/2013 of 26 April, (BOE No 118 of 17 May 2013), establishes the regulatory framework for aeronautical servitudes.

    Decree 584/1972. Consolidated text

    Likewise, Decree 1844/1975, of 10 July, which defines the aeronautical servitudes corresponding to the heliports, establishes the servitudes for these facilities.

    Royal Decree 369/2023 of 16 May, regulating aeronautical servitudes for the protection of air navigation, and amending Royal Decree 2591/1998 of 4 December 1998 on the organisation of airports of general interest and their service area, pursuant to Article 166 of Law 13/1996 of 30 December 1996 on fiscal, administrative and social measures (BOE No 131 of 2 June 2023)’

    NOTE: According to "First Transitional Provision. Procedures under way" of Royal Decree 369/2023 of 16 May:

    "Proposals for aeronautical servitudes under processing shall continue to be processed in accordance with the specifications of the regulations in force at the time the application is
    submitted for approval.

    Procedures already initiated before the entry into force of the Royal Decree shall not
    apply the same, being governed by the previous legislation."


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