Other Activities
Agreements and Coordinations
The State Aviation Safety Agency maintains a close relationship with the rest of the aeronautical authorities, through agreements and compliances. These are: ANSMIL (Military Authority) and ANSMET (Meteorological Authority).
On the other hand, cross-border functional airspace blocks (FABs) have been established, based on operational requirements, in order to achieve a more rational organisation of airspace. In this context, the geographical location of Portugal and Spain in the south-western part of Europe and the characteristics of the respective traffics make both States natural partners to establish a functional airspace block (SW FAB), so that ENAIRE is currently actively participating, together with the other actors involved, in various areas and at different levels in the implementation of SW FAB.
Furthermore, EASA also participates in the working groups defined in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/123 for the decision-making process by the Network Manager (EUROCONTROL) for the coordination of aspects that may have an impact on the European Air Traffic Network
Trajectory diversion
In accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of the Aeronautical Inspection Regulation, approved by Royal Decree 98/2009 of 6 February 2009 and Articles 9.1 and 28 of the Statute of the State Aviation Safety Agency, approved by Royal Decree 184/2008 of 8 February 2008, the Directorate of Airport Safety and Air Navigation of AESA is the administrative body responsible for analysing the matter. within the framework of Law 48/1960 of 21 July on Air Navigation and Law 39/2015 of 1 October 2015 on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, complaints received in the EASA for alleged deviations of trajectory from that published in AIP.
AESA determines whether or not the facts described in the above-mentioned complaints may constitute an administrative offence in the field of civil aviation and, if so, make the corresponding proposal for the initiation of penalty proceeding.