
Do you have a UAS/dron?

Minimum requirements for flying any drone from 31 December 2020

Drone Operator Registration/UAS

Instructions and link to register as a drone/UAS operator

UAS/drones regulations

New rules applicable since 31 December 2020

Operations with UAS/drons

Open, specific and certified flight requirements

Geographical areas of UAS

Geographical areas of UAS

Activities or services not EASA with UAS

Rules applicable to non-EASA operators: LCI, SAR, police, customs, etc.


UAS/Drones Training Entities

UAS/Drones Training Entities

UAS/Drones remote pilot training

UAS Remote Pilot Training Requirements

Airshows and events with UAS/drones

Airshows and events with UAS/drones

UAS/dron requirements

UAS maintenance, design and production requirements


Recreational, leisure and sporting use of model aircraft

How to fly a UAS in Spain

UAS operations in Spain by cross-border and third-country UAS operators

Activities with the UAS Sector

Information on the Information Days.