Frequently asked questions

What is an inspection of the central services?

    The scope of central service inspection is that of its manuals (operation, SGS, maintenance, etc.) and the application of those procedures that the organisation performs centrally.


Is it possible to communicate all evidence of corrective actions before the deadline set for remediation?

    Evidence of redress may be communicated at any time after the relevant evidence of remediation has been collected.


Is it possible not to propose corrective actions?

    In the case of receiving a report without non-compliance, or containing only observations, it is not necessary to propose corrective actions.

    In the event that non-compliances (at any level) have been detected, it will be necessary to propose corrective actions.

Is it possible to present unsigned draft procedures or preliminary documents as evidence?

    No. Unsigned documentation is not considered evidence of reliable remediation. Drafts are not allowed. The documents must be the final ones, already reviewed and signed by the relevant officials.

Is it possible to request changes in deadlines to rectify?

    Yes, as long as there is a cause that justifies it. This request is processed before the expiry of the date set out in the corrective action plan (CAP). Requests for a change of time limit are not allowed after the deadline for communication of remediation laid down in the CAP has expired.


Why doesn't a notification appear after receiving an email notice?

    Upon receiving an email with the notice of a notification, the notification may not be seen when accessing AESA’s Notification by Appearance, or the Citizen Folder of the General Access Point.

      It is necessary first to ensure that the electronic certificate corresponds to that of the addressee of the notification.

      It is also possible that the notification has been made to several addressees at the same time. In this case, the first of these recipients to access the notification will be the one that can see it, being considered for the remainder accepted or rejected.

      In case you can't see a notification, consider looking first for notifications already made in case a member of your organisation had accessed earlier.

      If you have doubts about who is the recipient of the notification, you can contact us via

Why can‘t I see an inspection or an authorisation if I’m already discharged?

    If you register and do not find a particular inspection or request, we may not have assigned you as an interested party or representative in that procedure.

    You should contact us by email at indicating which file you need to have access to.

What to contribute to remedying?

    The evidence of remediation established in the corrective action plan (PAC) together with the associated data sheets (Excel file). These forms are submitted to the inspected person when communicating the CAP. The delivery of documentation is not considered complete without providing these duly completed forms.

What to do if you encounter technical problems when using the website?

    For problems related to access to the platform, signing of documentation, provision of documentation, etc. It is possible to contact the computer service of AESA via email



What is the difference between comments, level 2 non-conformities and level 1 non-conformities?

    From lower severity to higher: comments, non-conformities level 2, non-conformities level 1.

    The main practical difference in an inspection is that observations are not mandatory to remedy them formally (voluntary remediation), whereas for non-compliances a corrective action plan is required.