Frequently asked questions

Where are AVSAF training courses offered?

    AVSAF training courses are provided in the modality chosen by each of the AVSAF Training Organisations. Therefore, some will do so face-to-face and others will do so in telematic format.


Where are AVSAF exams taken?

    AVSAF exams are carried out on an Aesa Moodle platform for which the student will have a user and password that will be provided by email


Where do I have to submit the application for validation of the AVSAF instructor course?
When does AVSAF certification come into force?

    The date of entry into force of the AVSAF has not yet been specified. When known, it will be published on the website and profiles in the Aesa SSR.


Is it necessary to have all the documentation in order to make the application for registration of the responsible declaration as an AVSAF Training Organisation?
Is it possible to validate the AVSAF instructor course?

    Yes, it is possible provided that the requirements to be eligible for the instructor course are met and in addition there is a minimum experience of 180 hours as trainer in Operational Safety in the airport field. AVSAF Instructors Requirement

What is the format of the AVSAF exams?

    It is a multiple-choice test that is taken on the Aesa Moodle platform.


What content should AVSAF courses have?

    The minimum content of the courses is specified in the document “Minimum contents AVSAF PEATONES/AVSAF CONDUCTORS” which can be consulted on the website of Aesa



What to do if there are technical problems when submitting the application?

    In case of problems with access to the website, when signing the documentation or attaching evidence, we suggest that you contact the AESA IT service through this email:

What happens if I suspend the instructor exam?

    If the instructor course has been validated and the exam is suspended (in the second call), the student must take the instructor course.