Responsible statements
The following statements are foreseen in the future, with the emergence of new rules.
Declaration for the placing on board of fuel by means of packaging
In accordance with Order TMA/692/2020 of 15 July 2020 approving technical standards for the supply of fuel to civil aviation aircraft, which entered into force on 2 January 2021, in Article 41(4), anyone requiring fuel by packaging must submit a responsible declaration to the State Aviation Safety Agency regarding compliance with the requirements laid down in the same Order.
It should be noted that authorisations granted in accordance with the Order of 10 March 1988 will cease to be valid on 2 January 2021.
This procedure can only be done in person in the case of natural persons, or representatives of natural persons who are also natural persons. All other interested parties should do so telematically.
We have developed a guide to help with the process, as well as a model for the face-to-face presentation:
The process can be done telematically through the following link:
Declaration of Capacity and Media Availability of Land Assistance Agents
Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 provides that organisations responsible for the provision of groundhandling services at aerodromes subject to groundhandling services shall declare their capacity and the availability of the means to fulfil the obligations associated with the services provided in accordance with the essential requirements set out in Article 33 of the Regulation.
Work is currently under way at European level on the development of a new regulation to develop the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139, as regards the provision of groundhandling services and which will set out how this declaration will be made.