Safety Promotion
Working Groups and Committees of Experts
ICAO-wide activities and working groups
- ICAO Safety Management Panel (ICAO SMP)
- Safety Performance Management Subgroup of ICAO SMP
- SM ICG, Safety Management International Collaboration Group.
- Description of SM ICG
- Terms of reference of the SM ICG
- Operational Safety Management Terminology
- The role of the responsible manager in safety management systems
- Development of a common hazard taxonomy
- A common approach to performance measurement for safety and security
- Recommendations on the equivalence of SMS according to the SM ICG
- Principles of risk-based decision-making
- The Operational Safety Management System. Evaluation tool
- Examples of hazard taxonomy
- Measurement of safety performance. Guide for Service Providers
- ECast, European Commercial Aviation Safety Team.
- EHEST, European Helicopter Safety Team.
- He 1 — Security Criteria. Methods to improve the skills of helicopter pilots. Training Brochure
- He 5 — Risk management of training. To the attention of pilots and instructors. Training brochure
- He 7 — Helicopter flight techniques in a rugged or mountainous region. To the attention of pilots and instructors. Training brochure
- He 8 — Principles of Threat and Error Management (TEM) for helicopter pilots and instructors and training organisations. For pilots and helicopter instructors. Training brochure
- HE9 — Automation and flight path management. For pilots and helicopter instructors. Training brochure
- He 10 — Instruction and Testing in Flight Simulation Devices for Training (FSTD). For pilots, instructors and helicopter examiners. Training brochure
- SIP TF, Safety Information Protection Task Force (ICAO)
- ICASS, International Confidential Aviation Safety Systems
Active groups
The SMP Panel was created by ICAO’s ANC (Air Navigation Commission) to develop Annex 19.
Follow-up on the development of Annex 19 in the Safety Performance chapter, development of guidance materials and examples.
The SM ICG was founded by the US FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Transport Canada Civil Aviation. In the SM ICG, regulatory authorities cooperate jointly to promote a common understanding of safety management principles and requirements and facilitate their implementation throughout the international aviation community.
Download products produced by the group
AESA collaborates in the translation into Spanish of the products produced by the SM ICG to facilitate their promotion. The translated products are:
ECast focused on the operations of large fixed-wing aircraft, and its aim is to further improve the operational safety of commercial aviation in Europe, and of European citizens around the world. It was launched in October 2006. ECast is a partnership between EASA, other European regulators and the aviation industry
It was launched in November 2006. It brought together manufacturers, operators, research organisations, regulators and some European military operators. EHEST is part of ESSI and is the European component of the IHST (International Helicopter Safety Team). Their commitment was to contribute to the objective of reducing the helicopter accident rate by 80 % by 2016 and, in particular, to improve operational safety in Europe.
AESA collaborated in the Spanish translation of the products produced by EHEST to facilitate their promotion. The translated products are:
All these documents are available to the industry and the rest of the Spanish-speaking authorities.
Non-active groups
The objective of the LPIS TF is to provide recommendations for establishing new or improving existing arrangements and to develop guidance material related to the protection of safety information.
This working group has already completed its work and presented the report of its discussions to the ICAO Air Navigation Commission.
It is an informal group of States/Authorities that have implemented independent, voluntary, non-punitive and confidential occurrence reporting systems in accordance with ICAO Annex 19.
Activities and Working Groups at European level
- Safety Management Technical Body of EASA (SM TEB EASA)
- Acceptable Level of Safety Performance Working Group associated with SM TEB EASA
- NOA, Network of Analysts.
- Data4Safety, The European Big Data Programme for Aviation Safety.
- European Aviation System Planning Group (EASPG).
- AST-FD, Eurocontrol Annual Summary Template Focal Point.
- ECast, European Commercial Aviation Safety Team.
- EHEST, European Helicopter Safety Team.
- He 1 — Security Criteria. Methods to improve the skills of helicopter pilots. Training Brochure
- He 5 — Risk management of training. To the attention of pilots and instructors. Training brochure
- He 7 — Helicopter flight techniques in a rugged or mountainous region. To the attention of pilots and instructors. Training brochure
- He 8 — Principles of Threat and Error Management (TEM) for helicopter pilots and instructors and training organisations. For pilots and helicopter instructors. Training brochure
- HE9 — Automation and flight path management. For pilots and helicopter instructors. Training brochure
- He 10 — Instruction and Testing in Flight Simulation Devices for Training (FSTD). For pilots, instructors and helicopter examiners. Training brochure
- EGAST, European General Aviation Safety Team.
- EAFDM, European Authorities Coordination Group on Flight Data Monitoring.
- European Operators Flight Data Monitoring (EofDM).
Active groups
Group led by EASA with members of the aviation authorities of EU States where initiatives at European level in the field of safety (EPAS, implementation of SSP and SMS, standardisation, etc.) are discussed.
Development of guidance material for Member States on the concept of ALoSP.
The objective of the NoA is to develop the formal process for analysing safety data at European level. The members of the NoA belong to the aeronautical authorities and the investigating authorities of the EASA Member States.
The objective of the programme is to obtain security information from different sources (event report, FDM, Eurocontrol...) to enhance the data-based preventive approach.
Working Group for the Harmonisation and Joint Planning of Civil Aviation Safety Initiatives in the States of the European Union and the rest of the States of the ICAO EUR Region.
The first meeting of this group took place in December 2019.
Non-active groups
ECast focuses on the operations of large fixed-wing aircraft, and aims to further improve the operational safety of commercial aviation in Europe, and of European citizens worldwide. It was launched in October 2006. ECast is a partnership between EASA, other European regulators and the aviation industry
It was launched in November 2006. It brings together manufacturers, operators, research organisations, regulators and some European military operators. EHEST is part of ESSI and is the European component of the IHST (International Helicopter Safety Team). Its commitment is to contribute to the objective of reducing the helicopter accident rate by 80 % by 2016 and, in particular, to improve operational safety in Europe.
AESA collaborates in the Spanish translation of the products produced by EHEST to facilitate their promotion. The translated products are:
It brings together General Aviation Associations and European authorities. It is a forum for sharing best practices, improving data sources and promoting operational security.
ECast, EHEST and EGAST are part of the ESSI, European Strategic Safety Initiative. The ESSI initiative is a partnership in the field of aviation safety between EASA and other regulators and industry. The objective of the ESSI initiative is to improve operational safety for European citizens and around the world through safety analysis, implementation of cost-efficient action plans, and coordination with other initiatives around the world.
The objective of this group consisting only of Authorities and EASA is to facilitate the exchange of information about the FDM in order to obtain the maximum benefit from the safety information provided by the FDM.
The aim of this group consisting only of Operators and EASA is to facilitate the exchange of information about the FDM in order to make the most of the safety information provided by the FDM.
The collaboration of EASA, National Authorities and Air Operators on Flight Data Processing (FDM) for the improvement of operational safety is currently taking place within the Data4Safety project.
Activities and Working Groups at the national level
- Committee of Experts on Aircraft Safety
- The plenary session of this committee is chaired by the Director of AESA and is composed of a minimum of 15 members, appointed by the Professional Associations of Aeronautical Engineers, Aeronautical Engineers, Pilots, the two most representative associations of airlines (ACETA and AECA), the collective of Aircraft Maintenance Technicians, the collective of Cabin Crews of Passengers, the instrumental companies serving AESA, the CIAIAC as well as the Aeronautical Authority itself.
- The following commissions of study were established
- Safety Management Systems (SMS) in Air Operators. Safety Indicators and Risk Assessment Methodologies
- Ground operations and flight clearance
- Helicopters and Air Works
- Instruction
- FDM Forum
The Committee of Experts on Aircraft Safety was created by the Shock Plan drawn up by the Ministry of Public Works in 2005, with the aim, in principle, of advising the DGAC (now AESA) in setting its priorities in the planning of inspection activities, as well as of validating the procedures used therein, providing the knowledge and experience of recognised experts in the sector, representing various sectors of the industry, as well as various corporations and professional groups involved in air transport.
EASA has now transformed the working model of the Committee with the approval of the new terms of reference that require its composition, scope and working methods. The two key measures introduced by EASA are the creation of a Plenary and Study Groups, composed of EASA professionals and qualified experts in the sector. These commissions will carry out studies and analyses on issues of greater relevance affecting aircraft safety, following the objectives set by the Committee Plenary, whose agreed results will be implemented by EASA. With this new configuration, the Committee will provide an effective diagnostic tool by advising EASA on the relevant measures to be put in place for the continuous improvement of aviation safety.
Each Study Group prepares a paper and, where appropriate, informative material to be presented to the Committee and discussed in plenary session.
The Commissions are composed of a group of experts on the subject submitted for study, with a secretary appointed by the Director of EASA and a chair elected from among its members by the Committee president, who in turn will be part of the plenary session, in his own right.
The objective of this group consisting only of Spanish commercial air transport operators and AESA is to facilitate the exchange of information about the FDM in order to obtain the maximum benefit from the safety information provided by the FDM.