First semester 2020


    COVID-19 crisis

    No newsletter can be launched on safety issues in 2020 without starting with a reference to the COVID-19 crisis and the tremendous impact it has had on aviation.

    All stakeholders, public bodies and service providers, authorities and industry, have had to adapt to unprecedented circumstances.

    Various measures have been needed to help the aviation sector to alleviate the difficult situation we are experiencing and which has led to the limitation of mobility and work activity.

    In particular, the measures taken by AESA can be found at this link.

    Information/recommendations/measures/guidelines related to COVID-19 from the main organisations can also be accessed via their websites:

    On the other hand, it is also important to highlight the important role played by the air sector during the pandemic, with repatriation flights on the one hand, and, on the other hand, cargo operations that have allowed the supply of both sanitary equipment and other goods.

    AESA forwards the 2019 PESO report to the Secretariat of State

    As every year during the first semester, the Agency has complied with Article 11.5 of Law 21/2003 on Aviation Safety and has submitted to the Secretary of State for Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda the annual report of the State Operational Safety Programme (PESO).

    The report summarises the degree of implementation and implementation of the Programme during 2019 and is based on the information collected by AESA from the responses provided by the various parties concerned: public bodies linked by the PESO and suppliers of aeronautical services and products.

    The degree of implementation of the actions planned under the Programme has been high, with 82 % of the actions envisaged in the Programme being completed, above the 75 % target originally defined.

    As a novelty, this year, the Agency proposes the revision of the Programme. The Council of Ministers of 23 January 2015 set a maximum of four years to review the Programme and should therefore have been revised in 2019. The entry into force of the update of the applicable international standards for safety management (Amendment 1 to Annex 19 to the International Convention on Civil Aviation) in November 2019, as well as the evaluation of the OACI Programme carried out in the same month, advised to delay its review to incorporate both the latest applicable standards and the recommendations resulting from that evaluation.

    OACI outcome to the PESO assessment and validation mission

    During the first half of 2020, Spain received the final report of the evaluation of the State Operational Safety Programme (PESO) that OACI carried out to us in November 2019. In the report, OACI highlights the achievements made by Spain, as well as to communicate the opportunities for improvement that it has identified in the implementation of the PESO. In the light of this report, the good work carried out by Spain in implementing the Programme is confirmed.

    In addition, at the request of Spain and taking advantage of the OACI visit, the audit team carried out a validation activity in which it reviewed the progress made by the State in answering 20 Protocol Questions (PQS). Following the evaluation, OACI increased our EI (Effective Implementation) implementation rate, bringing it to 91.20 %, which meant improving our relative position vis-à-vis other signatory states.

    Participation in key international safety management forums

    During this semester, Spain has participated in the main forums dedicated to operational security. The COVID-19 crisis not only has not stopped the activity of the different working groups, but has increased by including in the agendas of the meetings different points to share best practices, recommendations and measures aimed at mitigating the impact on the sector. Thus, among others:

    • The OACI Panel on Annex 19 Operational Safety Management held its 4th coordination meeting of its working groups in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 24 to 28 February. Since this meeting, working meetings of the various groups and sub-groups have continued throughout the semester.
    • The EASA SM-TEB (Safety Management-Technical Body) group met telematically on June 17 including among the topics to address the management of safety in COVID times and the impact of the crisis.
    • Both the Management Committee, the Technical Committee and the Working Group of Authorities of the European project D4S (Data4Safety) met this semester.
    • During the semester, the Network of European Analysts (NoA) and its sub-working groups have held continuous meetings during this period. The main topics have been the assessment of safety risks due to COVID, the construction of safety indicators at European level and the implementation of the European Risk Classification Scheme (ERCS).
    • Participated in the working group set up by the European Region Aviation System Planning Group (EASPG) to update the European Regional Aviation Safety Plan (EUR RASP) 2020-2022, aligning itself with the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS). Therefore, for the Member States of the European Union, working on the implementation of the EPAS automatically involves also working on the implementation of the EUR RASP.
    • The European Action Plan for Airspace Infringement Risk Reduction Working Group met telematically on 1 April to discuss the state of the current crisis and its impact on airspace infringements. In addition, all participants have continued to collaborate in updating the Action Plan during these months.

    Launch of the first phrasing and communications campaign

    On 26 February, the first phrasing and communications campaign was launched. The main objective of the campaign was to present the second edition of the guide on “Good practices in phraseology and communications” and to launch the first campaign, focused on these 3 messages selected for their greater impact on the risk of the air operation, both due to the severity and due to their probability or frequency of appearance:

    • Correct use of collations and confirmations (read-back/hear-back).
    • Effective transfer of situations requiring immediate action.
    • Transmission speed.

    Both the update of the guide and the campaigns are safety promotion actions foreseen in PASO 19-21.

    The campaign lasted for 3 months, from 1 March to 31 May. Unfortunately, it has been interrupted by the COVID-19 health crisis and has been postponed.

    The launch day of the campaign, organised by AESA at the premises of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, was attended by air operators, air navigation service providers, airport managers, pilot training schools, air controller training schools and professional associations of pilots and controllers.

    In addition to material that can be disseminated from the Agency, industry and organisations are expected to produce the most appropriate outreach material for their operations, adapted to the size and complexity of their organisation.

    ENAC Italy visit to get to know the PESO

    On 12 February we received in Spain the visit of our Italian counterparts to learn about the implementation of the State Security Programme in Spain and to share our experience following OACI’s recent evaluation to the PESO at the end of 2019. 

    The PESO at the French National Civil Aviation School (ENAC)

    For the fourth consecutive year, staff of the Directorate for Security Assessment and Internal Technical Audit of AESA explained at the National School of French Civil Aviation (ENAC) the process of implementing the State Operational Safety Programme (PESO) and our country’s firm commitment to achieving a high level of operational safety in civil aviation.

    The participation of AESA staff is a response to the invitation of staff from the French DGAC, in charge of the coordination of the State-level operational safety module of the Advanced Master on Safety Management in Aviation organised by ENAC (Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile).

    Students in this Advanced Master are from different countries of the world and most of them are personnel of the respective CAAs - aviation authorities - of these countries.

    Expansion of the Operational Safety Indicators Portal

    As part of the process of continuous improvement of the safety surveillance and oversight mechanisms being promoted by AESA, the scope of the Operational Safety Indicators Portal (PISO) has been extended to in-flight training schools and to non-commercial operations with complex motor-powered aircraft.

    The Aviation Safety Indicators Programme is established within the framework of the State Operational Safety Programme, and arises from the need for the collection and analysis of safety data within the PESO, establishing a series of parameters whose measurement and analysis, together with other data, allows to know the operating status of the air transport system, thus allowing anticipating any degradation of the air transport system. There are currently three indicator portals: air Operators (PISO), airports (PISA) and air navigation service providers (pisna). Multiple information is collected within the different portals: there are indicators of level of activity, maintenance, operations, training, environment, control units or airports.

    With this extension, PISO incorporates safety indicators from in-flight training schools (ATO) and non-commercial operators with complex motor-powered aircraft (NCCs), along with those already received from commercial air transport operators (AOCs), specialised airwork operators under European regulation (SPO), and specialised operators of firefighting and search and rescue activities under national regulations (COE). For each of these types of operation specific indicators are established depending on the type of operation authorised or declared by the operator.

    Spanish participation in the EU-Latin America and Caribbean aviation cooperation project

    Within the framework of the EU-Latin America and Caribbean aviation cooperation project, AESA held a workshop in Lima on the implementation of the State Operational Safety Programme.

    The workshop took place from 3 to 7 February and was attended by representatives of the civil aviation authorities of Peru, Chile, Brazil, Venezuela, Uruguay and Bolivia.

    The participants highly appreciated the experience and knowledge gained based on the process of implementation and operation of the PESO. The best proof of this is their request to organise future workshops to deepen various aspects of the Programme.

    II National Aviation and Wildlife Forum

    The 2nd National Aviation and Wildlife Forum was held on 29 January. The opening of the event was made by the General Secretary of Transport and Mobility.

    This second forum responds to a need for greater dissemination of wildlife management and better coordination between airport managers, AESA and national, regional and local environmental authorities, as well as representatives of the scientific field.

    The day was carried out with the balance of the commitments made in the first edition highlighting the General Plan for Aviation and Fauna, the final version of which was published in July 2019, and the development of the working groups of Great Planners and Colombofilia, which have involved a great coordination between all the actors involved.

    Moreover, during the presentation of events, the importance of the quality of the data reported by operators (impact heights, distance to the airport, hit/damaged parts) and airports (species, debris analysis) was emphasised. The availability of quality data facilitates analysis and therefore action.

    All presentations by the speakers as well as the documentation of the Forum are published here

    EGAST Group Guide Material in Spanish

    AESA has collaborated with the European group EGAST (European General Aviation Safety Team) in the translation of guidance material. The following material has been published in this six-month period:

    • GA7 Safe use of advanced navigation technology
    • GA8 Loss of control by loss and auger
    • GA9 Flight Information Service
    • GA10 In-flight ice formation

    EGAST Safety Promotion Brochures

    Translation into Spanish of 10 brochures promoting safety in General Aviation produced by the European General Aviation Safety Team (EGAST).



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