Appointment of Patricia Nieto as Chair of the Performance Working Group of the National Oversight Authorities Coordination Platform

Friday, October 14, 2022


Madrid, 14 October 2022 (ESA)

Patricia Nieto Valiente, Head of the Economic Oversight and Performance Service has been appointed Chair of the Performance Working Group of the National Oversight Authorities Coordination Platform. The appointment made within the group itself is reassessed annually.

The performance working group is composed of the European national supervisory authorities, the European Commission and is attended by bodies such as the PRB, the Network Manager and Eurocontrol.

The group whose main objective is the contribution to the implementation of the Single European Sky, discusses the economic, capacity, environmental and safety issues of the provision of air navigation services in relation to the role of national supervisory authorities in the implementation of the performance scheme. The main tasks of the group are:

1. Generate a discussion space for the authorities on their role in the implementation of the Single European Sky.
2. Identify best practices between authorities.
3. Provide a framework of mutual help.

The activity of this group was strongly affected by the fall in traffic in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to revise the performance plans delivered in 2019. Although we are in the middle of the third reference period 2020-2024 (RP3), monitoring the recently adopted revised performance plans, preparatory work and discussions around the fourth reference period (2025-2029) will begin throughout 2023.