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Who are we?
Who are we?
What is AESA?
The purpose of AESA
AESA facilities
Contact us
Management and quality
Commitment to citizenship
Organisational structure
Public employment
International participation
AESA regulations
Air Traffic Controller
Flight Examiner
Instructor AVSEC
Drone Pilot
General Aviation Pilot
Professional pilot
Aircraft owner
Maintenance technician
Passenger cabin crew
Municipalities and Autonomous Communities
Training organisations
Maintenance organisations
Ground Handling Service Providers
Airport service providers
Airworthiness Management Organisation
Organisations AVSEC
Aeromedical Organisations
Air Operator
Airport manager
Aircraft Design and Production Organisations (DOA/POA)
Providers of air navigation services and functions
General Aviation
Air operations
Air navigation
Training and exams
Safety management
Licenses and aeronautical medicine
Aeronautical easements
Passenger rights
Safety Promotion
Safety Promotion
Directives and Guidance Material
Information material for safety promotion
Safety Promotion EASA
State Safety Program (SSP) Newsletters
Safety Assessment Memories
Working Groups and Committees of Experts
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Comunicacion de seguridad
Empleo público
Folletos informativos
Pregunta frecuente
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Frequently asked questions
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III AESA Balloon Operators Conference (5 November 2024)
IX Day of firefighting operations and search and rescue (COE)
Legal status
II Conference for Non-Commercial Operators with Complex Aircraft (NCCs)
AESA General Aviation Day (December 15, 2023)
List of AESA Aircraft
UAS/Drones operator registration for non-EASA activities
Do you have a UAS/dron?
Actividades NO EASA directas
Emissions trading
Configuration Definition Documents
National Standard Stages (STS-ES) Training Entities
Flying in Spain
Training of UAS/dron pilots in ‘open’ category
Instructor y Gestor AVSEC
AESA General Aviation Day (July 02, 2022)
Rampa Inspection Day for commercial air transport operators
Information day on the Royal Decree 517/2024 for EASA activities
UAS/drones regulations
ATO Approved Training Organisation
Maintenance Programs
Registration of civil aircraft registrations
Regulations on passenger rights and flights on which they apply
Airport Security Officers (RSA)
Information Session TCP Certificate Application Management
Commercial air transport (CAT)
Acerca de ReFuel EU
Activities with the Sector
Actividades NO EASA indirectas
Continuous airworthiness
Initial airworthiness
EASA aircraft
Boletines informativos del PESO
Cabin Crew Competency-based Training & Assessment Workshop 2023
Type Certification No EASA
AVSEC Security Watchers Certification
Airworthiness Certificate No EASA Annex I + Aircraft Certificate No EASA — R.D 750/2014
COE Special Air Operator Certificate
Airworthiness Review Certificate
Directorio de servicios de atención al cliente de compañías aéreas
The PESO in the European context
Working Meeting Commercial Operations with Balloons (6 april 2022)
European Standard Stages (STS) Training Entities
Designated Entities
Performance scheme and safety oversight
Service quality standards
Capacity standards
Environmental standards
Environmental assessment
FCL Theoretical Exams
Examiners, instructors and evaluators in “specific” category under operational authorisation
Exemptions (Art. 71.1 and 71.2) and AltMoC under Reg. (EU) 2018/1139 and sixth final provision of the Air Navigation Act
Training of pilots UAS/drones in ‘specific’ category upon request of operational authorisation
Training of UAS/dron pilots in ‘specific’ category in National Standard Scenarios (STS-ES)
Training of UAS/drones pilots in European Standard Scenarios (STS)
General information
ACAM inspections
Inspecciones de aeropuertos
Technical instructions
Family Day on Operational Safety and Notification of Events for ATO
Information day on the Royal Decree 517/2024 for Aeromodelling activities
Information Day on ReFuel EU Aviation and amendments to EU-ETS Directive 2003/87 (EU ETS) related to the aviation sector
Information Days Maintenance Organisations
Information Conferences Production Organisations Part 21 Subpart G (POA)
Legislación de limitación de aviones ruidosos
Operating licences
PART FCL Flight Licenses
Maintenance UAS/drones
National maintenance
General framework
General framework
General framework
General framework
General framework
General framework of the PESO State Operational Safety Programme
Guide material
Market Mechanisms
Aeronautical medicine
Technical standards
Regulations training and examinations
Report an event
Airwork operations
Non-commercial operations with complex NCC aircraft
Non-commercial operations with non-complex NCO powered aircraft
Operadores Aéreos
DTO Declared Training Organisation
Origin and regulation of slots (SLOTS)
Commercial air traffic permits
Cyclical inspection plan
Regular inspection plan
Planes de Acción de reducción de emisiones de CO2 de la aviación internacional
Certification procedure
RSA Certification Procedure - Call 2024
Procedimiento de Recertificación Instructores AVSEC 2024
Procedure to complain to AESA for cancellations, delays, denials of boarding and PMR in air transport for flights prior to 01/06/2023 included (via information)
Claim procedures
SDP Providers (RD 1238/2011)
What does a Person with Reduced Mobility (PRM) mean?
Registration of registrations
Drone Operator Registration/UAS
Airline Safety Officer (RSLA)
Results of previous calls
Services and functions
Sustainability of the aviation sector. Climate Change Mitigation Measures and Local Air Quality Preservation
Monitoring of Airspace Changes
Transfer of FCL license between EASA member states
What is DORA?
Accreditation of third-country air carriers
EASA Bilateral Agreements
ULM ultra-light structure aircraft
Non-EASA aircraft
Certified public use airports
Organisations Part 145
Aerodrome certification according to Regulation (EU)
Certification and continuous supervision
Air Operator Certificate
Sustainable aviation fuels
Components of the PESO
Responsible statements
EASA Airworthiness Directives applicable to EASA products
EASA Airworthiness Directives applicable to non-EASA products
Directivas/Material Guía/Información
Design and production of UAS/drones
Certification Specifications (CS)
Establishment of RMZs, TMZs and FPMZs
Examinations for obtaining an aircraft maintenance licence
Inspection phases
Phases of the inspection
Training for flight personnel
Training of remote pilots UAS/Drones NO EASA
ULM training
Application forms on licences, ratings, certificates and language proficiency
Airworks and Helicopter Day 2023
Informative Conferences Aircraft Construction by Amateurs
Informative Conferences Aeronavigability Management Organisations
ULM Pilot License
Aerodrome Manual
Test license plates
Medidas de minimización
Noise minimisation measures
Normativa Air-Crew
Implementing legislation
Implementing legislation
Implementing legislation
Normativa de referencia
Normativa de referencia
Air operations regulations
Occurrence reporting to the SNS
New infrastructures
Operations with UAS/drons
Operations with UAS/Drones - Open category (subcategories A1, A2 and A3)
Non-commercial operations with complex aircraft (NCC)
ATS training organisations
Transition period for RPAS/UAS remote pilots
Procedure to qualify as an operator for non-commercial operations with complex motor-powered aircraft
Procedure to complain to EASA for cancellations, delays, denials of boarding and PMR in air transport for flights after 02/06/2023 included
SSEI training programmes
FCL Flight Tests
Reservation and Request for Assistance
Meeting General Aviation and Sport Working Group (february 24 2021)
Aeronautical noise
Occurrence Reporting System
Supervision DORA
Aircraft maintenance technicians
Processing and informative triptychs
Geographical areas of UAS
What’s an event?
What is considered a specialised operation?
Activities with the Sector
Aerodromes/Restricted-use Heliports
Analysis Campaign Fight Against Fire 2022
PRMs Assistance
Authorisation of nationality marks and license plates of small size
Authorisation of scheduled commercial air operations
News bulletin of non-destructive trials
Quality of service
Certificate of Airworthiness NO EASA
Certificates of Aeronavigability, Noise, Export and EASA Flight Permits
TCP Certificates
Classification of Spanish airports
Flight Examiner FCL
Exenciones de ruido
AVSEC training
Passenger Cabin Crew Training
Grupos de Trabajo y Comités de Expertos
User Guide Electronic Documentation in the Environment of Aeronavigability
R & D & I
Certified Information Days and Flight Permits
Maintenance Technician Information Days
Personnel flight licenses
Licences Part 66
List of manufacturers and models of UAS
Aerodrome Manual
AESA Guide Material
AESA Guide Material
Approval method
Air navigation regulations
Regulations and Guide Material
Regulations and guidance material
Operations UAS/Drones - Specific Category
Maintenance Training Organisations (Part 147)
Other activities related to air navigation service providers and functions
Operational Safety Action Plan PASO
Action plans
Presentation AESA during AEROSPORT (4 May 2019)
Principales proyectos
AESA procedure
Procedure for enabling yourself as an operator to conduct specialised commercial operations
Royal Decrees SSAA Aerogenerators
ReFuel EU
Safety and security
Safety Management System (SMS)
Types of inspections
Verification of aerodromes according to Royal Decree 862/2009
Continuous monitoring
Geographical areas of UAS
Who should notify?
Access to filing/consultation/modification of a complaint
Activities with the Sector
Activities with the sector
Activities or services not EASA with UAS
Travel Agencies
Follow-Up Event Analysis and Tracking
Approval of Production Organisations
Specific approvals (SPA)
Authorisation of unscheduled commercial air operations
Flight Authorisation No EASA
Linguistic Competence Assessment Centres
Air carriers
Denied Boarding
Gas emissions
Working Meeting on Monitoring RVSM and PBCS (6 October 2022)
Evidence-Based Training (EBT)
Pilot exams
ULM Theoretical Tests
Training in Radiophonist UAS
Working groups
Boroscopic Inspections Guide
Public information
Information Days Organisations P147
Balloon Pilot Licenses (BPL)
National licences
FSTD Device List
Memorias de Evaluación de la Seguridad
Safety assessment methodologies and tools
Aircraft regulations
Business operations with Balloons (Reg 2018/395)
Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO)
Assistance dogs and mobility equipment
AVSAF Training Providers
Providers of air navigation services and functions
Royal Decrees of Aeronautical Servers of Aerogenerators
SGS and Security Studies
SMS Operational Security Management System
Suspensión de carácter permanente para limitaciones operativas a ULM y actividades de Vuelo Libre
Processing of changes
Processing of new infrastructures
Continuous monitoring
Activities with the Sector
Possible aerodromes
Construction aircraft by amateurs
Upgrading and downgrading
Castilla y León
Construction of aircraft by amateurs
Conversion of National Licensing
Fair culture
Working Meeting on Minimum Equipment List (MEL) (September 27, 2022)
UAS/Drones training entities
Guía de Formación en el Puesto de Trabajo (OJT)
Information on the processing of an overflight permit
Planner Pilot License (SPL)
Flight time and crew duty limitations
Enforcement method
Implementing legislation
Implementing legislation
Rules on passenger rights
UAS/drones operations — Certified category
Combined Airworthiness Organisations (CAOs)
Other Activities
Production without Production Organisation Approval (Subpart F)
Programa de Evaluación de Simuladores de Vuelo (FSTD)
Airport suppliers
SDP Providers Regulation (EU) 139/2014
ULM Flight Testing
General publications of the SNS
Monitoring of Environmental Monitoring Programs (PVA)
Aerial Work with Aircraft and Helicopter
Processing of changes
Package Travel
Airports/Verified Public Use Heliports
Delta wing, paragliding and paramotor
Approval of civil flight procedures
Letter of services
Castilla-La Mancha
Independent certifiers
Contract of Transport
Working meeting on SES Equipment (30 June 2022)
ULM Flight Examiner
UAS/Drones remote pilot training
User Guides — Management System
Amendments No EASA
Implementing legislation
Implementing legislation
Implementing legislation
Security regulations
Air Operations with Cabin Crew
Commercial operations with Sailplanes Reg 2018/1976
Persons with Reduced Mobility PRM
State promotion of operational safety
On-board suppliers - supplies
U-Space Service Providers
Projects authorised
Request information
Processing of changes
Emergency beacons (ELTs)
Regulatory compliance
Civilian air demonstrations
Working meeting on changes in the AOC management process (22 June 2022)
Aerial exhibitions and events with UAS/drones
Pre-contractual information
Aeronautical Easements Map
AESA Guide Material
AESA Guide Material
Airport regulations
Applicable legislation
Other incidents
Regular inspection plan
Dangerous Goods Instruction Programs
Aerial work with historical aircraft
Approval of Design Organisations No EASA
Authorisation Commercial Operations High Risk
RSIAC Certification
Comunidad Autónoma de Ceuta
Cyber Security
Reimbursement of Charges
Working Meeting Non-Commercial Operations with Complex Aircraft (7 April 2022)
Minimum Equipment Lists (MEL)
Interactive maps
Regulations drones
Unruly Passengers
UAS/dron requirements
Suspension of operational limitations
Continuous monitoring
Leases (dry and wet)
Authorisation to make flights below minimum heights SERA
Comunidad Autónoma de Melilla
Working Meeting new European Operations Regulations (17 March 2022)
Regulations aeronautical servitudes
General Aviation NOTAM to operate in controlled Airspace
Newsletters (Non-EASA Products)
Comunidad de Madrid
COE Working Meeting (15 December 2021)
Traveler Guidance
How to fly a UAS in Spain
Dangerous goods
Safety management policy
Operators from other States wishing to carry out air work in Spain
Flight permits
Activities with the UAS Sector
Comunidad Foral de Navarra
Evidence Based Training (EBT) working meeting (17 June 2021)
Annual Report and Satisfaction Survey
Emissions trading regulations
Regulations and guidance material
Comunitat Valenciana
Responsible Declaration for Overflights of ULM, Historical and Construction Aircraft by Amateurs Registered in Other EU Member States
Cat Working Meeting (26 November 2020)
Information for Airlines
Ramp inspection
Licensing regulations and aeronautical medicine
Authorisation for overflights of historic, amateur and experimental ULM aircraft registered in non-EU states
COE Working Meeting (17 December 2020)
Information for Airport Managers
Business permits
Registration and modification of management company data (SIPA environment)
SPO Working Meeting (2-9 April 2019)
Non-commercial skydiving operations
Alternative dispute resolution
Activities with the sector
SPO Work Meeting (4 November 2015)
Illes Balears
Impossibility of electronic processing
Activities with the sector
Cat Working Meeting (2 April 2019)
La Rioja
Regulations and guidance materials
Other information of interest to General Aviation
País vasco
Principado de Asturias
Región de Murcia
General Aviation
Air operations
Air navigation
Training and exams
Safety management
Licenses and aeronautical medicine
Aeronautical easements
Passenger rights
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