Frequently asked questions

How to unsubscribe a user who is no longer part of the organisation and who has access to the files?

    In the event of a representative leaving an organisation or losing his/her representative’s capacity to represent, and is also associated with files of the organisation, it is necessary to notify as soon as possible of this situation via email so that we withdraw access to the files to this representative.

Why is it necessary to submit a responsible statement?

    As of 2 January 2021, for anyone requiring fuel for civil aviation aircraft in packaging, they must submit a responsible statement to the State Aviation Safety Agency on compliance with the requirements set out in Order TMA/692/2020
    In the future there will be a third case, where legislation is published requiring the submission of a responsible statement for groundhandling organisations developing the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2018/1139.

What to do if you encounter technical problems when using the website?

    For problems related to access to the platform, signing of documentation, provision of documentation, etc. It is possible to contact the computer service of AESA via email



What regulations do you require to submit a responsible statement?

    Order TMA/692/2020, which entered into force on 2 January 2021, provides in Article 41(4) that anyone who needs fuel in packaging must submit a responsible declaration to the State Aviation Safety Agency regarding compliance with the requirements set out in the same Order.

    Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 provides that organisations shall declare their capacity and the availability of the means to fulfil the obligations associated with the services provided in accordance with the essential requirements set out in Article 33, however, this requirement shall not apply until such time as a regulation is developed.

How can I submit the responsible declaration to supply civil aviation fuel using packaging?

    The presentation of the responsible declaration by e-mail will not be accepted in any case.   

    For all those interested with obligation to interact with the administration in a telematic way (legal persons, representatives of legal persons, and natural persons who choose it) can carry out the procedure from the electronic headquarters of AESA

    For those interested who have the option to carry out the procedure in person (at AESA’s own headquarters or at any registration assistance office) or by postal mail, essentially natural persons and their representatives in the case of being also natural persons, the form of presentation of the declaration must be downloaded from the procedure itself, complete it and address it to “AESA — Directorate of Airports and Security of Civil Aviation (DASAC), Paseo de la Castellana 112, 18046 Madrid”:

    • You can deliver it personally to our headquarters.
    • You can direct it by post, note that in this case you must ask the company that makes the shipment information on how to obtain the receipt, since it is not sent from AESA.
    • You can submit it to any registration assistance office.
How to provide additional documentation to an application already submitted through the Electronic Headquarters?

    Through the telematics processor that is the application of EASA for the management by the inspected of the inspection documentation. 

    Please note that you will need to provide the documentation in the appropriate file, as otherwise the reply could be delayed.

When will the system of responsible declarations for groundhandling agents enter into force?

    Concerning the publication of a new Regulation affecting groundhandling services, there is no foreseen date as the work is under development and can be consulted here.

When will the system of responsible declarations enter into force for anyone who requires aviation fuel by means of containers?

    With regard to the new ministerial order approving technical standards applicable to the supply of fuel to civil aviation aircraft, it comes into force on 2 January 2021, at which time it will be compulsory to have this declaration in order to be authorised to put fuel on board by means of containers.

    The responsible declaration can be submitted telematically through the following procedure.

Is it possible to send the Responsible Declaration to supply fuel by means of containers by e-mail?
Why didn't I receive a "receipt" after sending the responsible declaration by post?

    No notification or acknowledgement of receipt is sent from AESA. You will need to discuss with the sending company how to obtain a receipt of receipt from us.

    You can obtain more information on this subject by calling the AESA reception and customer service telephone number: 91 396 80 00.