Open Day Meet AESA!
Madrid, 19 December 2023 (AESA)
We will start 2024 with a list of purposes for the coming new year, and the first of all will be to bring the work of the State Aviation Safety Agency a little closer to society. For this reason, and in the framework of the events of celebration of the 15th Anniversary of AESA, on January 24 we have organised an Open Day virtually with different sessions to convey to the citizens some aspects of interest of our activity.
The different meetings will discuss the latest developments in the drone sector, regulatory requirements that affect aeronautical servitudes, functions of maintenance technicians in aeronautics, and the different profiles that work in the Agency. You can check the full schedule with schedules and themes here.
Professionals who develop their work day by day at AESA will offer a talk between 40-60 minutes to interested people, with the aim of clarifying doubts or other issues that affect them the most. The sessions will be online and completely free, so registration will be required prior to each one.
To register, you can do so in the following link. After completing the form, you will receive in your email the link and code to be able to connect.
From AESA we have prepared these sessions with great enthusiasm, so that the topics discussed help citizens and reinforce the Agency’s commitment to the public service.
We're waiting for you!