UAS/Drones remote pilot training
Training of UAS/dron pilots in ‘specific’ category in National Standard Scenarios (STS-ES)
General information
IMPORTANT: non-regulated training courses, i.e. all with the exception of subcategories A1/A3 (free online training and examination provided by EASA), are neither official nor accredited by EASA or any other public body, whether Spanish or European. It is important to note that, if this were to be advertised, it would be erroneous and false information that could lead to confusion among students, undermining the legitimacy of European legislation, giving them powers that do not correspond to them. For more information, please refer to the following note:
The ‘specific’ category covers operations with UAS involving an average risk, which cannot be classified in an “open” category. The Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 on rules and procedures for the use of unmanned aircraft provides in Article 23(4) for Member States to develop national standard scenarios equivalent to those set out in the Regulation itself, valid during the transitional period, which ends on 31 December 2025, and may submit the corresponding operational declarations of the STS-ES until 30 August 2024.
In Spain, two national standard scenarios (STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02) have been developed equivalent to the “standard” scenarios set out in the Regulation. These scenarios are defined in the Resolution of the Directorate of the State Aviation Safety Agency approving national “standard” scenarios (STS-ES) for UAS operations in the «specific» category under an operational declaration in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 of 24 May 2019 on rules and procedures for the use of unmanned aircraft.
National Standard Scenarios (STS-ES) are only valid for carrying out operations within the Spanish Sovereign Territory and airspace for the use of unmanned aircraft to which Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 applies, therefore they will not be valid in both the other EASA Member States and in third countries.
Distance pilot theoretical training
- If ‘open’ category A1/A3 pass test is available: A theoretical examination of 40 questions will be carried out, with a duration of 40 minutes, based on 8 subjects.
- If an ‘open’ category A2 certificate is available: A theoretical examination of 30 questions will be carried out, with a duration of 30 minutes, based on 5 subjects, described in the Syllabus.
Theoretical training for STS-ES can be provided by a training entity, a UAS operator, or on its own account, always following the theoretical knowledge curriculum STS (Syllabus), indicated in Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947. It will be for EASA to carry out the examination of theoretical knowledge of the standard scenarios and issue, if applicable, the certificate of theoretical knowledge.
The format of the examination of theoretical knowledge in “specific” category under a national standard scenario (STS-ES) or European (STS) will depend on the previous theoretical training in the “open” category provided by the pilot, there are two alternatives:
Registration to access the exam is done through the Virtual Office of the Electronic Headquarters of EASA; the exams have televigilance technology (access to webcam, microphone and screen):
Access to the exams is limited to a period of 30 days, starting from the moment the access notification is sent. If, after the 30-day period, no attempt at examination is made, the pilot of his application will be given for withdrawal and consequently to re-access, he will have to make a new registration.
To obtain the certificate of a standard scenario, the remote pilot has to pass the exam before AESA with at least 75 % of the correct answers and will appear at the end of any attempt as fit. Once the exam is passed, no action is required. Where the certificate of remote pilot theoretical knowledge has been issued, the user shall receive a notice in the e-mail in which he/she has registered.
In the event that the 2 test attempts are exhausted and obtain a score of Unfit, the remote pilot will receive a negative resolution and must re-enroll again to get two new attempts and pass the exam.
The certificate of theoretical knowledge, as well as the syllabus required to obtain it is adapted to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947, is unique to the “specific” category, so it will be valid to be able to operate in both national standard scenarios (STS-ES) and European standard scenarios (STS). The validity of the theoretical certificate shall be 5 years from the moment it is obtained.
Practical remote pilot training
After passing the theoretical examination before AESA for the operation under a standard scenario (STS) a specific practical trainingis required for each scenario (STS-ES-01 and STS-ES-02), which must be given by Recognised Entities or by UAS Operators declared to AESA to provide practical training in national standard scenarios.
This training should consist of a continuous assessment of the practical skills of remote pilot and, if the evaluation is passed, in the subsequent delivery of the accreditation of practical remote pilot skills in the national standard scenario in which the training was carried out.
This Student Information Guide on the requirements to receive practical distance pilot training in national standard scenarios, ssets out the minimum requirements that the student must consider in order to obtain training in accordance with the provisions of the Management Resolution and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947.
IMPORTANT* After the training and evaluation of practical remote pilot skills, the Recognised Entity or the declared UAS Operator must regularly inform AESA of all those pilots who have obtained the accreditation of practical remote pilot skills in national standard scenarios, so that the student should not perform any additional procedure with AESA after the practical evaluation has been completed.
In the section of "National Standard Stages (STS-ES) Training Entities" has a list of recognised entities to provide training in standard scenarios that is updated regularly (link to the section of training entities)
For more information on the detailed training scheme for ‘specific’ category see these links:
Contact AESA UAS Division:
In case of doubt or special situations related to the ‘specific’ category training, you can direct your inquiry to the drone mailbox (