Flying in Spain
Non-commercial operations with non-complex NCO powered aircraft
ULM ultra-light structure aircraft
Information relating to balloon operations
Information relating to operations with sailplanes
Construction aircraft by amateurs
Delta wing, paragliding and paramotor
Civilian air demonstrations
Suspension of operational limitations
NOTAM for General Aviation activities
Flight permits
Registration and modification of management company data (SIPA environment)
Action against the impossibility of electronic processing
Responsible Declaration for Overflights of ULM, Historical and Construction Aircraft by Amateurs Registered in Other EU Member States
Authorisation for overflights of historic, amateur and experimental ULM aircraft registered in non-EU states
Non-commercial skydiving operations
Exemptions (Art. 71.1 and 71.2) and AltMoC under Reg. (EU) 2018/1139 and sixth final provision of the Air Navigation Act
Activities with the sector
Regulations and guidance materials
Other information of interest to General Aviation